Thursday, October 1, 2009

Detailed Itinerary


Zhangmu and Saga - You stay in a Hotel with a private bathroom in each room.

Nyalam & Pharyang/Manasarovar - Guest houses.(The guest houses are with three or five beds). Indian style toilets. The guest houses were not too dirty. But they do not have private bathrooms. There are only public toilets for the complete guest house facility. And no shower arrangements.

Manasasarovar - Camp or guest house. You have to be lucky to get a guest house room here and if your tour group arrives late you may have to stay in a tent.

Trip Itinerary:

Day -1 July 1st 2009 - Arrive to Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu city tour. Which includes Pashupatinath Temple, Swayambunath Temple, Sleeping Vishnu Temple and Thamel.

Day - 2 July 2 2009- Kathmandu to Kodari to Zhangmu (145km, 6-7 hrs drive total) 7,441 ft

Early in the morning at 6 am we left Kathmandu by bus to Kodari. We drove along the Shun Kosi and Bhota Kosi Rivers, through lush green mountains and wonderful waterfalls, and reached Kodari by afternoon. We had a quick lunch. We left coach and walked across the Friendship Bridge to Tibet for Chinese immigration before 2 pm (As the time difference is +2hrs after we cross the border to China/Tibet).

At same time all our luggage and also common luggage such as Cooking utensils, gas cylinders etc. which was arranged by the tour organisers, was also transferrer across the border.

Local Nepalese/Tibetian Labourers were also lined up in immigration queue to transfer these luggge items. It was heart breaking to see females carrying children on back and luggage on front. As soon as we get down the our bus, these porters will arrive to transfer the luggage.

We walked to allocated Toyota Land Cruisers and drove another 20km to reach Zhangmu (7,441 ft). Spent the night at Zhangmu in a hotel.

At night, our cooks (Sherpa's) who accompanied us made dinner for the group and we had a group dinner together. Dinner was Puri's, Rice & Mixed Vegetable curry. At night we also had our first round of medical checking. Checked Blood Pressure and our oxygen levels with an Ox-pulse meter. And from hereon, every night our blood pressure and oxygen levels were checked.

Day 3 – July 3, 2009- Zhangmu to Nyalam, 12,000 ft (60km, 2-3 hrs drive)

This day gives us a chance to relax and acclimatize to the high altitude in Nyalam (3750m). It is important to stay hydrated and extremely aware of the body’s physical condition, which the staff will monitor at all times. Here at Nyalam some people get sick.

We had a nice dinner at night. Our cook made potato fries, mushroom soup, mixed vegetable curry and rice. The first symptoms of altitude sickness is nausea and headache.

Day 4 – July 4th, 2009- Nyalam to Saga – 14,435 ft (232km/7 to 8 hours of driving)

Past Nyalam (4450m) the road climbs up to La Lung (5124m) then drops down before heading western part of Tibet. The driving is difficult, but the stunning views of the Himalayas, particular Shisha Pangma (8012m), more than make up for the rough travel. By late afternoon we cross the Brahmaputra River and a quick drive brings us to the town of Saga. All the people will feel the high altitude symptoms here at saga to some extent. Symptoms varies. I had a headache with loss of appetite. But still you must eat, don't stop eating. Need to drink plenty of water. If you get motion sickness the day's journey will make you feel more sick.

We stayed the night at Saga hotel. The hotel was very unclean and unhygienic.

Day 5 – July 5th, 2009
- Drive from Saga to Pharyang – 14,500 ft(285km /7 to 8 hours of driving)

Our jeeps and trucks roll through the dramatic valleys following the various rivers through the grazing lands of yaks and sheep. The landscape is highlighted by snow capped peaks rising out of the distant sand dunes. Many Tibetan nomads and traders in traditional dress inhabit this area. Lunch on the way and overnight stay in a guesthouse.

Day 6 – July 6th, 2009 - Drive from Pharyang to Lake Manasarovar – 15,000 ft (277km/8 hours of driving)

This is one of the longest driving days of the trip. By late afternoon the drive through the green pastures and massive valleys gives way to the first sighting of Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. Drive through Mayum La pass (17,000 ft), the highest point of the drive. We did manasasarovar parikrama and reached chi gompa. Here we stayed in a guesthouse for two days. Both the days lunch and dinner was prepared by our cook. He had prepared very nice spaghetti on the 7th day of the trip.

As already mentioned every night we would check each group member's blood pressure and oxygen level. On the final day at manasarovar, before the Mt.Kailash parikrama all people who had low oxygen level were told to either stay back at manasarovar or return back to Kathmandu, to immediately go to a lower altitude for safety.

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