Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 9 - July 9th, 2009 - 2nd day of parikrama

Trek to Zutulpuk monastery – 15, 780 ft
(Total hiking for the day: 18 km/10-14 hours)

The hardest day of the pilgrimage was also the holiest. It was an uphill climb, through the rocky path.On our way we get to see the extended portion of Mt.Kailash ( the east face ). We cross the shivastal and will reach the highest point (5630m-18,600 ft)Drola ma pass.We tied a flag at drola ma pass. Then we walked down and on the way we saw gauri kund ( Ma Parvathi's bathing place ). It was also a place where lord Ganesha got his elephant head and Bhagiradha did tapass and brought ganga down to the earth. It took us 4 hours to walk down the mountain. The path was very steep and slippery. After getting down we stopped in a tea tent and after 4 hours reached our camp site at Zutulpuk . By the time we reached the camp site, the Sherpa's fixed our tents. As soon as we reached the camp site the Sherpa's served us with hot tea/coffee and popcorn.

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